How can we know that Feeltr has not saved user history?

When it comes to protecting your personal data, we are the first to act.

The confidentiality of your data is guaranteed by 5 pillars...

👐 The principle of trust 

The fact that the interest of solution providers is not to spy on you.

🧬 The DNA of the project 

We aim to protect data, physical integrity of equipment, privacy, brain, emotions and the environment. Violating this DNA would mean the death of feeltr, which we obviously do not want.

 🔒 The native functioning of a DNS

You already use a DNS on a daily basis, because it is essential to the functioning of the Internet. This DNS works on standard protocols, which do not allow the theft of your data. The same goes for Feeltr.

📄 The contract

A Feeltr subscription contract is a contract that contains legal commitments regarding data protection and privacy. This contract can be amended if you deem it necessary.

 🔍The ability to audit Feeltr's client code

We are more than willing to give you access to our source code under certain conditions, related to confidentiality and security measures.


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